Frequently Asked Questions



We have prevented this from happening, however, sometimes there are still lots of exceptions on the market. These only exist because we encounter difficulties in obtaining, from the supplier, the M-P (that color of the cartridge) that we intended and adopted for that reference of cartridges, as you can see in PRODUCTS. However, already a few years ago on this part, we started to adopt for the more commercial references, the same color – the RED – because it is an emergency color, it becomes of greater ease of recovery in the field. It should also be noted that, we can have cartridges of golden and/or silver cups, also according to the availability of materials, with the supplier. However, it is certain that these nuances in no way alter the interior of the cartridge, both its load and its components. We intend, whenever possible, to maintain regularity and universality in our cartridges.

Can the shooting behavior of a cartridge vary according to the climatic conditions?

Of course, yes, the cartridges vary considerably in an amplitude of 10ºC, the more if we consider that in our country, more specifically in the hunting season, we can have 35ºC at the end of August to 0ºC in January. Now, a cartridge that is loaded to be fired in one circumstance is different from a carrier that is charged to another; one must contain less powder and the other more, respectively. Which allows, if they are fired in a reverse way, in the first case, the shooter will feel the shot much more, and in the second case, the cartridge will not have the desired speed and will be too smooth. Therefore, we identify, for the cartridges with the highest consumption, the batch with a V/L/I preceding the number, allowing the shooter to know the load that is being used.

Which is the best way to preserve your cartridges?

The ideal preservation of the cartridges is the recommended in the packaging, i.e. 21ºC +/-1 or 2ºC and 60% moisture. However, and considering that in most cases this environment is only achieved if it is forced/conditioned, we advise that, of course, temperatures should not oscillate above 10ºC nor should they catch moisture, so the most practical and effective form of conservation will be an empty and clean glacier.

Is it possible that the same cartridge reference has already been loaded with different powers?

Yeah, they’ve been making cartridges for many years! However, for each of our references, a type of powder is defined but, certain customers have already asked us another one that, occasionally experienced and liked more in these situations and approved by us the equivalent performance of this cartridge (because we also used it before), we did but we identified this difference in the cartridge itself and in the packaging. Currently, in order not to create this kind of confusion and insecurity, we do so by placing this type of cartridge in a package called “SPECIAL EDITION” for “HUNTER” and/or “SPORTS”.

Can I make/choose a cartridge with my brand?

Yes, provided that at least 10,000 cartridges are purchased, you can make a cartridge with a load approved by us and stamped with a specific name/brand. The packaging used will be the “SPECIAL EDITION” for “HUNTER” and/or “SPORTS”.